Features & Editorial

Editor’s Note: New Life to Constant Chatter

Written by Tara Hall

First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to check out the new editorial side of Constant Chatter! We’re beyond excited to share this space with you and your friends. This area and the content within have been inspired by the thousands of posts you all have shared over the last six years: the advice, stories, dilemmas and support. This new side of Constant Chatter is here to serve you. We see this as an extension of the CC community, one that will provide in-depth investigation and answers on popular forum topics, generate ideas that benefit you and your family, and spark new conversations between us all.

We would be honored to have your involvement in this new endeavor. In the first few months, we expect to iron out the kinks with the help of your honest and constructive feedback. Want help with a particular issue? Have a comment or suggestion regarding the layout? Whatever your opinion, we’d love to hear it. Because that’s the spirit of Constant Chatter.

Tara Hall

About the author

Tara Hall

For the longest time, Texas transplant Tara Hall wanted to be a profiler when she grew up. A bona fide FBI agent with mad analytic skills who could take on crime and the jacked up minds that commit it.

Instead, the long and winding road has led straight to writing.

It all started with an obscure undergrad study spot: the usually empty upstairs of a local live music dive in Austin, TX. Psychology books in tow, Tara would grab a seat in the balcony and read her assignments between performances of local musicians, ultimately leading to an internship with Austin's Citysearch office in the late '90s.

Skip ahead a little more than a decade to present-day. Tara now spends her time interviewing musicians, researching stories and penning articles for entertainment-centered publications and websites such as Metro.pop magazine and SoundSpike.com.

Best part of the job: Researching topics I'm perplexed by and interested in.

Secretly obsessed with: Eyelash extensions. Instant femininity and loads of compliments!

Current dream vacation: An exotic beach locale with a beach bag full of new fiction. A hot man alongside wouldn't hurt either.

Theme song: Nina Simone's "Feeling Good"

Snacking on: Light rye Wasa crackers, little dollop of Dijon and thinly sliced turkey. That, or a spoonful of Nutella, my semi-healthy chocolate fix.

If trapped on a desert island: Cherry Chapstick and a fun, resourceful companion.